
Album Note for same air (2025) by ofir ganon

Release date January 27, 2025 by Island House Recordings. Available for purchase on vinyl and digitally on Bandcamp. First single “Belville” music video here.


Substance Over StylE:

Institutional Activism & Amending State Constitutions to be Gender-Neutral in Maine, New York, and New Hampshire

Original research in which I examine how institutional activism was effective (or not) in changing three states’ constitutions to contain gender-neutral language. I investigate two case studies where institutional activism in promoting gender-neutral constitutional changes was a success (Maine and New York) as well as one that was unsuccessful (New Hampshire).


Elegies for yesterdays

Born out of nostalgic grief, Elegies for Yesterdays is a survey of past loves and grudges. It contains original poetry and film photography. A limited number of physical copies are available for free in select bookstores around downtown Manhattan. Get a free digital download below.



Digital and film prints sold at auction to private collectors

Full portfolio available upon request